Studio visit with Suyeon Na

Studio visit with Suyeon Na
October 11, 2015 cemkocy

This week’s studio visit was by Suyeon Na who is a multi-media artist hailing from Seoul, Korea. Her work has been nationally and internationally exhibited throughout the U.S., Korea, Japan and India.

The images of young girls and animals in her work reflect dreams, fairytales and fantasies that are closely linked to the subconscious and animalistic instincts of humans as a part of nature. These images explore the psychology of the self, which revolves around changes in personal, social, and cultural environments. You can see more of her website

Her Risograph print from an earlier Sumi ink she made will be released at our Risograph Print Show on November 7, 2015. More info on that later…


How it works by Suyeon Napainting by Suyeon NaTwins by Suyeon Na



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